Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)
This is a document you make when you are mentally competent and have attained the age of 21 years that appoints one or more persons to be able to act on your behalf should/when you lose the mental ability to do so. Your LPA can be empowered to make on your behalf financial decisions including property affairs, and/or certain personal welfare matters. This is a legal document established by the Mental Capacity Act.
Advance Medical Directive (AMD)
This is a document you make when you are mentally competent/not mentally disordered and have attained the age of 21 years, to register your advanced wish that you will not to be subjected to extraordinary life-sustaining treatment if/when you become mentally incompetent and in the event that death would, within reasonable medical judgment, be imminent regardless of the application of extraordinary life-sustaining treatment, and the application of extraordinary life-sustaining treatment would only serve to postpone the moment of death. This is a legal document established by the AMD Act.
Advance Care Planning (ACP)
This outlines your healthcare preferences for future medical care and treatment should you become unable to do so. This can be an ongoing communication process that evolves as your health status changes. Whilst not a legal document like the LPA or AMD, it can be instructive to the healthcare team on what to and not to do for you if/when you are mentally unable to make your own decision.